Certified Arborist Colleyville Company.

Give us a call now we have Certified Arborists available in Colleyville, TX to diagnose unhealthy or sick trees.
Unhealthy trees in Colleyville, TX must be diagnosed by a qualified arborist. We have the best tree doctors available to help with your Colleyville TX trees and shrubs. Colleyville Tree Service & Stump Grinding offers great solutions and the expertise to help with diseases on your property. Our Colleyville Arborist team provides real solutions to restore trees health for Tarrant County residents and commercial property owners.
Colleyville Tree Service & Stump Grinding can help you identify the root cause of your trees declining. We can usually diagnose your trees without a laboratory assessment in most cases. For quick diagnosis, we have access both to Texas A&M Labs or a Farmers Branch lab.
Colleyville Tree Service & Stump Grinding can diagnose trees and determine the best treatment. Our arborist team is certified in the following areas.
- Soil and Ground Testing
- Tree Diagnosis
- Proper diagnosis requires Plant Pathology
- Expert Witnessing – for land and landscapes that include trees and shrubs
- Forensic tree analysis
- Training and supervision by a third party
- Reporting cost- and cure assessment
- Tree Risk Assessments and the overall cost
- Land drainage systems
- Environmental Management Consulting
These are just a few of the many services that other Arborist Companies cannot offer. We have experience working Governmental, State, City, General Contractors, Private Organizations Residential and Commercial contracts. Colleyville Tree Service & Stump Grinding is dedicated to finding the best solutions for all your tree and shrub care needs.
Get in touch with us immediately! These tree conditions are handled by our Certified Arborist in Colleyville Tree Service & Stump Grinding.
- Powdery Mildew
- Tree Diagnosis
- Oak Decline
- Root Rot
- Oak Galls
- Anthracnose
- Fire Blight
- Hypoxylon Canker
- Bacterial Leaf Scorch
- Leaffooted beetles
- Cottonwood Borers
- locust Borers
- Aphids
- Webworms
- Bagworms
- Army Caterpillars
- Sap Eating Beetles
- Carpenter Ants
- Redheaded Borers
Colleyville Tree Service & Stump Grinding Arborist treats trees back to health.
Call us to help your tree vigor and treat it with microinjections or deep root injections.
Free Tree Evaluations
Arborist tree doctoring service offers free tree evaluations. We’ll send an Arborist to evaluate your trees and create a plan to promote tree health in the long-term. We can help you save trees that are sick on your property. Access to highly qualified professional tree health care doctors. The right information will be provided to you for treatment and planning.
Tree pest diagnosis
Our Colleyville Arborist company can help you
Colleyville Tree Service & Stump Grinding has the certification and knowledge from Texas A&M extension courses to diagnose and treat your trees. All of your evaluations will be free. All injections come with a one-year guarantee for all re-treatment.
Saving sick trees in all seasons
Safe Organic Tree Treatments
Colleyville Tree Service & Stump Grinding is a reputable company that has years’ experience and provides excellent customer service. For a FREE Tree Assessment at Tree care Colleyville, please call us today.